Humans have experienced world peace in the past so there can be world peace in the future. The key lies in understanding that the remedy we propose for any situation depends on our analysis of how that condition came into existence. At the moment we seem to think that the disruption we now witness among humans began in one area and has spread throughout the species. It is from this analysis we have developed the idea of healing the world one person at a time. The analysis is wrong so the remedy is also wrong.
The only place where we can find an adequate analysis of how disruption entered human consciousness is in the Bible. Unfortunately, because that section of the Bible -- Genesis 1-4 -- is also accepted as Scripture to both Jews and Christians it allows for both theological and social interpretations. Unfortunately, the only interpretation that has been accepted is the theological interpretation which says that disruption among humans was sown by an outside influence. This leads to the expectation that world peace must also be imposed by an outside influence. Both the analysis and the remedy are wrong.
The key to finding the remedy lies is accurately analyzing how the disruption entered our psyche. We need a social interpretation of Genesis 1-4. How much longer will the theological world resist?