Monday, October 26, 2009

Peace: The Solution

So, how do we eliminate distrust from humanity? This is the question that must be answered. We know that it can be eliminated because the fact that it is not present in the non-human species that preceded us in this ecosystem nor among infant indicates that it is not an inevitable part of human nature. However, it is also true that after thousands of years of existence humans have had no success in overcoming it. How can we accomplish today what has resisted our efforts over all these years? I would like to suggest that we have not eradicated distrust because we have not really tried to do so.

Distrust is a problem for humans. I don't think it has any redeeming properties. We also know that every problem humans experience is related to information. Either the information is lacking, is misinterpreted or is misapplied. I am not making any great revelation by saying that the education is the key to eradicating distrust. It is here that things get tricky.

We must differentiate between being educated and being informed. An educated human being will understand his role in the system we call the human race and will not be distrustful of other human beings. As we have seen throughout history many of the people we consider to be educated are merely informed, for they are the ones who have begun our wars and have orchestrated the fleecing of communities.

It is obvious that something has gone wrong in the education of the human species. It is not enough to teach humans that they should trust each other because, even though distrust is the absence of trust the relationship between trust and distrust is not the same as the light and darkness, or even awareness and ignorance. When light is introduced into a dark area the darkness flees. When an ignorant is made aware his ignorance dissipates. But the entrance of trust does not eradicate distrust. This is because trust is a focussed quality. We can trust one individual while simultaneously distrusting another. This is why trust and distrust can exist in the same breast, and trust can be instantly changed into distrust by changing one's perception of the previous object of one's trust.

When I speak of eradicating distrust I am envisioning a society in which we relate to each other as adults in the same way we relate to each other as infants; without having to be reminded that we should trust.

To accomplish that we need to first recognize that distrust is related to inequality. It does not matter whether the inequality is real or imagined. War and crime are violent efforts to achieve equality. They are also violent efforts to impose inequality. War and crime do not exist in a world where equality reigns.

This presents an educational problem. Almost out of necessity, our current educational systems are based on inequality. The teacher is not equal to the student. The student is being "educated" to serve the needs of a small group. The focus of our education is on small groups instead of on the global needs of the species. This environment breeds distrust.

We need a global curriculum that works in tandem with our current system of education and instills in all men the understanding that they are part of one system even though they may operate in a small area. It is possible because it occurs in the animal kingdom. The key to this approach to education is to focus not on what we can be but on what we should be.

The more I have reviewed this in my mind the more difficult it appears to explain it. Instead of laying the foundation I will present it and return to fill in the gaps and details. It is possible for humans to live without distrust as infants and as adults. Getting there may be easier than we think.

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