There are two striking reasons why the task of renewing humanity falls first to the education system even though it suffers from the same disqualification as do religion and government. In a future blog I will discuss the fact that “education” is the solution to every human problem. But the education system also gets the nod because it is the only one of the three that is capable of surviving the type of change necessary to accomplish this task.
Let’s take a look at government. Nature appears to abhor the very idea of world government. It is intriguing that even though most animals live in groups out of which a leader always emerges, this leadership always remains local. A pride of lions is led by one lion but there is no lion in any jungle who leads the other lions in the entire jungle. There is not one example of global leadership in the entire animal kingdom. Government works best at the national level.
The current practice of religion could not survive a new paradigm in which all men are accepted as being equal regardless of their philosophy.
But the distinction between education and instruction means that the education system can take on both roles. We will always need a system that delivers specialized instruction in different areas. What we are lacking is a general approach that emphasizes the oneness of humanity so that this thinking is central in human thinking.
I cannot help but wonder what it will take to convince us all that the biggest challenge we face today is distrust and that our present systems are incapable of dealing with it.
"It is intriguing that even though most animals live in groups out of which a leader always emerges, this leadership always remains local. A pride of lions is led by one lion but there is no lion in any jungle who leads the other lions in the entire jungle. There is not one example of global leadership in the entire animal kingdom. Government works best at the national level."
This is a surprising conclusion given that the nation-state is a late and almost entirely arbitrary iteration in our models of governance. I think we can and should look more locally than "nation" for the kinds of educational developments we hope to see.
It's too late to revert to the ethnic-tribal model (this may be a good thing), but there are a number of emergent "tribes" around lifestyle, skill, and belief system that could provide the local coherence you seem to be looking for. I'm interested in finding ways to actualize such tribes. I think they have a lot to offer the species.
You are correct regarding the rise of the nation state. However, I was more concerned with demonstrating why human governments cannot be the mechanism for implementing the full education of the species.
Both government and religion continue to serve humanity is important ways.
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