This blog has been difficult to write for reasons that may or may not become obvious.
It has begun to emerge that the attainment and maintenance of peace will involve some aspect of the exciting subject of DNA. But there is more to DNA than just the instructions pertaining to the development of living cells. I have been thinking of the implications of the fact that DNA contains the instructions for what happens in every living system.
As I mentioned in a previous blog, it appears that the DNA of every species is a copy of the Master DNA in the universe that existed before any other living thing in the universe. This means that in the beginning there was DNA. But this is the same thing I say about God. Am I being sacrilegious to entertain the thought that DNA is God or that God has DNA?
Then Romans 1:20 states that the hidden things of God are revealed in the things that He made. What does that say about those who study the creation, especially those who are studying the structure of the human genome? Are they looking into the eyes and mind of God?
What think ye?
I can understand why this was a difficult subject to approach. No one, particularly those that come from our religious backgrounds could do it easily. We don't want to sound sacrilegious.
I gave a lot of thought to the question: "Does God have DNA?" The text from the Bible that says, let US make man in our image, gave me the temptation to answer; YES! However, He (God) said image not form. So, I had to look a little deeper and ask someone who knew the original language of the Bible. I was pointed by Doc (many of you will know who I mean) to read a text in John. In this text Jesus was talking to a Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus pointed out to this woman that God was Spirit and should be worshiped IN spirit. After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I decided that, since God is Spirit then he may not have DNA as we know it. It's my opinion (I'd really like to hear others) that DNA is a tool that the Creator used to give man the "image" of God but not his form or lack of it. It is the job of a creator to have a plan for his creations. DNA had to be the master plan in our Creators plan for life.
Is DNA the master ingredient or building blocks for all that is created? Sure is! Is God DNA? Maybe not as we know it, since he is Spirit. Are we looking in to the mind of God? The created can not be greater than the creator. Right Dr. D? To claim that we are looking in to His mind would put us dangerously close.
Here's something else to think on: Even at the cellar level, we can find intelligence. Every living cell in our body has it's own intelligence. Scientist are now looking at this and other areas of form and matter at the quantum level. At this level things break down in to just energy. Is this getting closer to know who or what God is?
There is also Jesus' comment in John that "this is life eternal that they might know thee, the only true God." How does that relate to the fact that DNA features so dominantly in the human quest for permanent, universal, lasting peace?
We cannot limit what it means to "know" God.
The issue of form is already answered in the variety of species that exist, having come from the same DNA. Besides, no two individuals are truly identical biologically, physiologically and culturally.
Dr. D, totally agree that we cannot and must not "limit" what it means to know God. Seems to me, as far as DNA goes, that the vast majority of mankind has been hard-wired to seek out PEACE at all cost. What bothers me, and maybe you can help answer this, is what does the "cost" often still involve war? We use war as a means to keep the peace. Hmmm, I know you are addressing that in your blogs and I'm a captive audience.
Does form always mean substance? Will our DNA eventually lead us to a form-less state of being and thereby making us closer to the Creators likeness? Questions.. I have questions!
The general semantics crowd (e.g. Alfred Korzybski, Hayakawa, and descendants) have argued that mankind's capacities are limited by our (a) physical form, and (b) linguistic filters.
Our physical DNA sets the ultimate constraints for our physical form, with training and circumstance filling in the spaces.
Our linguistic filters set the frame for what of/in/from the world we can convert from perceptions into conceptions. Culture interacts with these filters, and they are much more malleable than physical DNA is.
Metaphysicists of all traditions also acknowledge more frames than these two. My own sense is that our species is more than gonads and alphabets, although gonads and alphabets are nothing to scoff at; they're vehicles of greatness. :)
Darius, I agree that it doesn't make sense to limit the knowing of God. Doesn't make sense to worry about sacrilege either; in the absence of God vocally expressing injury on being offended, sacrilege is in the eye of the critic.
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