Saturday, October 17, 2009

Peace: In Between

Before I post my next blog in the Peace series I wish to express my appreciation for the comments that have already been made. I would like to encourage you to continue commenting. I would like your input on two issues that have been raised. Trevor has already addressed the first, which would be the costs/benefits associated with distrust, when he wrote that
Greed and associated violence are feeders of distrust and suspicion. Getting rid of distrust means overcoming ethnocentrism, racism, nativism, capitalism, and many other dangerous contributors.

The truth is that it is distrust that is the source of all these. If we get rid of distrust we would get rid of ethnocentrism, racism. I can think of another. I think there are a number of technological advances we dare not make because we don't trust each other to use them honestly. I encourage you to think of such possibilities and share them here.

Another issue would be the three forms of distrust I proposed. What do you think of that idea? In what ways to you see these three forms relating to each other? Thanks for your contributions until my third offering.


inclaire said...

At some point in her evolution Eve distrusted what the Creator had told her, and decided to investigate for herself.

KM said...

Investigation is not about distrust. Investigation is about knowing. There's no other way to know than "for yourself." Anything less is "belief" and shifting sand.

"Taste and see" and "prove all things"; there's no knowledge without these things. Trust based on belief alone is a straight set-up.

Darius said...

Correct, KM. Eve was not investigating. If she was she would have double-checked with Adam. She got conflicting information from the serpent and allowed that to sway her. It was a vote of no-confidence in Adam.