Friday, November 13, 2009

Peace: Three Systems serving One System

I hope those who are following this blog are excited about the information that is bubbling to the surface as I am. (This is the second time I have used this metaphor though I don’t recall ever using it before).

The last discussion was not meant to separate the education system from the systems of religion and government. Each of these three systems has played a vital role in the continued development of humanity. As we saw last time, the education system is not selected because it was superior because it is as fragmented as the religion system and the government system. But all three participate in the transfer of information and when information is put to productive use it becomes knowledge that is transformative for the human system. It is this transformation of information into knowledge that we strive for in this blog.

It is unfortunate that some have tried to insert a wedge between these three systems. Whatever their motivation the only result is the fragmentation of the species. Each of these three systems is an expression of human thought. We did not borrow these systems from alien species.

But somewhere in the process of developing these systems the focus was transferred to the interests of subsections of the species instead of on the needs of the system. Why is it so difficult for national governments to come together to advance global development. Why do our religions remain so divided? Why does our educational curriculum not teach the oneness of the species?

The answer is related to the early development of the species. The obvious evolution of the human species points to the growth of the species from an infant stage to a mature stage, in the same way that each individual moves from infancy to maturity. Just as infants are characterized by trust and adults by distrust, in its infancy stage the human race was characterized by cohesion and trust, but now in its intellectually mature stage it is characterized by distrust.

How did this transformation take place, and to what extent were the three systems of education, religion and government involved? The answer to that question may help us in our quest for equality and peace.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excited is an understatement, but will have to do for now. So, yes I am very excited about the "bubbling" that is happening. Keep um coming Dr. D.