Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Peace: The Plan to be Implemented

Based on all we know about the world around us, neither evolutionary theory nor intelligent design can explain the presence of distrust among adult humans. Distrust provides no survival benefit to the human species so there is not reason why humans would develop such a trait, especially when the positive trait of trust is evidenced among the infant of the species. From an intelligent design perspective it is illogical that an intelligent designer would design the necessary survival trait of trust into the non-human species and replace it with the destructive trait of distrust, but only among the adults of the species. The final possibility that would ascribe distrust to an entity outside of the human species is not any less problematic. All of this adds to the mystery of distrust; it should not exist yet it does.

With such a unique problem it should come as no surprise that a workable solution may mystify. Sometimes I have felt that the solution I have arrived at can only be appreciated after the foundation for it has been completely laid. But in the process of such thinking it occurs to me that the arguments that would explain the solution would make more sense if the proposal were known. I think the latter approach is the way to go. I will present here the who, what, when and where of this solution. The follow-up blogs will address the why; and there are may of these.

As I noted earlier, the goal is to eradicate distrust among humans as a species, not only from individual human beings. We must focus on what the human race was meant to be like rather than on what it can become. Thankfully, it does not require us to inform anyone that we should not be distrustful, nor the development of a new sophisticated area of knowledge. We already possess all we need to implement this solution.

As a first step, in order for humans to eradicate distrust our academic leaders must through scholarly papers or lectures, demonstrate from their existing body of research how each of the systems they deal with illustrate the natural organic nature of the human species.

The first thing you will note is that unlike other curriculum iniatives that address the lower educational levels this one begins with the higher levels of education. The second is that it treats the human race as an organic whole rather than as a loose collection of individual parts. The third is that this step will lead naturally to other steps. These and others will be discussed in the future.


inclaire said...


Anonymous said...

I am pondering whether distrust is the absence of something - or the presence of something. At the moment, I am leaning toward the former. But am feeling rather malleable on the matter.

Darius said...

I came to this with the idea that it was the absence of something. I think I showed in the previous blog that it is the presence of something. Darkness is the absence of light but distrust is not the absence of trust. They can both exist in the same sphere.