Saturday, December 26, 2009

Peace: Division of Labor

The distribution of a growing body of knowledge among a gradually increasing human population was the first example of the division of labor. Predictably, this division of labor resulted in an increasing number of pockets of expertise.

Some of these areas were naturally associated with biological function. Males and females were experts in areas associated with their own gender. The same was true of humans in different stages of physical and emotional development.

Humans also developed areas of functional expertise based on proficiency. Among the first hunters and gatherers some were better hunters and gatherers than others.
Out of these areas of expertise the first leaders of human society emerged. First we had leaders of families and tribes based on biological seniority. Other groupings had leaders based on functional expertise.

From the modern perspective it is easy to blame an increase in specialized knowledge for the fragmentation we experience. None of these divisions posed a threat to human existence because they were based on natural conditions. The same divisions existed among the other species and they are still evident today. Even with those divisions non-human species experience intra-species peace. This shows that we cannot blame differentiation or specialization of knowledge for the tensions we experience today.

Something else is to blame.


Gooberds said...

I think our Creator gave each creature and country different advantages.God formed every creature on this planet with a special area of expertise. Some animals run, some hop, some swim, some burrow, and some fly. Each has a particular role to play based on the way they were shaped by God. The same is true with humans. Each of us was uniquely designed, or "shaped" to do certain things.So divisions of labor, or function were part of our creation.

Darius said...

I think we have misused the division of labor because we convinced ourselves that it was something that we came up with.