Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Human Anomaly

Even though humans have arguably had the most impact on our ecosystem we are only one among the many species that call this earth home. This fact is significant.

Whether one subscribes to a creationist or an evolutionist view of origins, we all seem to agree that humans are the last species to appear on the earth. It is too bad that this point of agreement between these two factions has not been emphasized.

With this in mind let us consider the moment in earth history just before humans appeared. The system was functioning as natural systems do. There was perfect harmony and balance among the species. More importantly suicide and self-destruction did not exist. We know that because systems exist to maintain their natural lifespan. It is illogical that an organism should seek its own destruction. None of the earth's species was a threat to its own existence.

It was in this environment that humans appeared. This is significant regardless of one's philosophical position on origins. For those who believe that the earth is the product of a supreme creative mind humans must have been creative with the same cohesive properties that the other species possessed. It is illogical to think that this logical mind would create "the crowning jewel" of his creation devoid of the one characteristic that would guarantee that it would continue to exist. For those who believe in the evolutionary process, it is illogical that this process would suddenly reverse itself so that this final species in the process would lack this characteristic essential for its survival.

Yet, suicide and self-destruction are part of our human existence.

As we were taught in school: One of these things is not like the others; one of these things does not belong.


KM said...

"As we were taught in school: One of these things is not like the others; one of these things does not belong."

LOL! And true too.

Plenty of value in arguing this way -- in the common space shared by creationists and evolutionists. The issues affect all of us, regardless of our philosophical commitments.

Keep it going...

realitycheck said...

I disagree completely. There IS no anomaly, there is only DIFFERENCE. The reason that suicide and self-destruction exists in the human species is that humans, unlike the other species, have the ability to think. There are cognitive (reflective and analytical capabilities of the human brain) AND limbic (reflective capabilities of human emotions) functions that the other species do not have, and these abilities mean that humans are able to respond and react to their circumstances and environment at an emotional level, hence depression, which is often the precursor to suicide, which all flow from the cognitive function, i.e. thinking. Difference, NOT anomaly.

Jeanette ~ Rodan + Fields Consultant said...

It is when systems get out of balance that there is deviation from the normal order. This has been clearly demonstrated by man's introduction of feral animal and plant species to Australia and elsewhere. Without the natural predators for the new species they overpopulate and create a domino effect of consequences for all species.

When a caged rat population grows too large for the space and resources available there are resulting destructive behavior problems that will persist until the numbers decrease and the system is brought back to a balance point.

Humans, similarly, react to negative exterior influences and imbalances. Depression, while sometimes organic in causation, is brought on by a system imbalance. It is an anomaly in and of itself because it is a deviation from normal human function.

While natural forces such as ice ages, droughts and natural disasters can effect all species and cause the extinction of some, it is humans who have caused unnatural imbalances that have led to the extinction of huge numbers of species.

When human thinking processes and choices go awry they create problems and consequences for all species. That is far more than difference. That is an anomaly.